Frequently asked questions

Q: Can I change the color of the hats?

A: yes, you can, if you are looking for a specific color, please send me a message. 

Q: Can I change the colors of the puzzles?

A: yes, you can, please message me the colors you are looking for?

Q: Do you have different designs/options for the TicTacToe game? 

A: yes, I can make pretty much any design you are looking for. 

Q: Can you put my business logo on a leather patch? 

A: yes. I can, you just have to send me a good picture or png file. 

Q: Can you engrave pictures?

A: yes, I can engrave pictures in acrylic or wood as long as the picture is a quality picture. 

Q: How long does it take to make an item? 

A: As long as I have the material in stock, it only takes me a day or two. If you need it by a certain date, please let me know and I will make sure you have it by then if it's possible.